Location Name 
Base Entity  Location 
Attribute Name  Location Name 
Logical Rolename   
ColumnName  location_name 
Definition  The name of a Location serves as its identifier. 

Location Name Reference Value (Bound to Domain) 
Name  Garden Location 
Type  By List 
Value  Value Description 
Cloche  In a cloche on the deck 
Deck  Upper Deck on the house 
Fridge  In the refrigeratorKi 
Jeanne  Martin house in Port Townsend 
KitchenNE  Northeast Kitchen Bed 
KiychenSE  Southeast Kitchen Bed 
KitchenE  Northeast and Southeast Kitchen beds 
KitchenNC  North Center Kitchen bed 
KitchenSC  South Center Kitchen Bed 
KitchenC  North and South Center Kitchen Beds 
KitchenNW  Northwest Kitchen Bed 
KitchenSW  Southwest Kitchen Bed 
KitchenW  Northwest and Southwest Kitchen beds 
FlowerN  Flower bed North of Stairs 
FlowerS  Flower bed south of Stairs 
Tacoma  Mary House in Tacoma 
Utility-Lights  Under grow lights in the utility room 
Cherry Tree  Cherry Tree flower bed 

Location Description 
Base Entity  Location 
Attribute Name  Location Description 
Logical Rolename   
ColumnName  location_desc 
Definition  Textual description of a location. As the database matures the designers will monitor the description to determine whether we need to identify more attributes for Location.